Who We Are

We, the Business Coalition for Gender Equality (BCGE) Association, are a non-profit association, as well as a coalition of companies committed to promoting gender equality, diversity, equity, and inclusion, practices in the workplaces in Myanmar. Our association was founded and is led by five leading businesses in Myanmar; AYA Bank PCL, City Mart Holding Limited (CMHL), First Myanmar Investment Public Ltd (FMI), KBZ Bank, and Shwe Taung Development Co., Ltd., which all have dedicated to achieving equitable and inclusive workplaces through organisational growth and global sustainable development goals through workplace gender equality, diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives.

BCGE who we are photo

What We Do

We, BCGE, acting as a trusted advisor and a center of excellence in workplace gender equality, diversity, equity, and inclusion, encourage companies and organisations in the private sector to initiate equitable and inclusive practices.  

Businesses and organisations in Myanmar achieve equitable and inclusive workplaces. 

A center of excellence and trusted advisors for advocating and promoting workplace gender equality, diversity, equity, and inclusion practices in the private sector by delivering knowledge, training, services, and advisory services to foster equitable and inclusive workplaces. 

Strategic Pillars

We support workplace gender equality, diversity and inclusion in the private sector with two strategic pillars 

  1. WGE and DEI Services 
  2. WGE and DEI Advisory  


  • Closing the gender pay gap
  • Progressing women into leadership and senior management positions
  • Improving equitable and inclusive workplace participation
  • Ensuring that leaders and managers drive gender equality, diversity, equity, and inclusive practices
  • Investing in family-friendly working conditions