Application For Organizations

Detailed Information of Organization

Information of Designated Representative

Current Affiliations with Other Associations

Membership Type


Required Documents



1. Company Profile (Company Introduction Package)

2.(a) Company Registration & Form 26 ( New DICA company documents which represent company registration & form 26 are also fine ) (or)

(b) MOU with relative Ministries or Government Offices together with list of board of directors (or)

(c) Business license from respective Government Department/Office together with list of board of directors.

Does your Company have the following policies?

(1) Non-Discriminatory policy


(2) Workplace Harassment policy (workplace harassment including sexual harassment)


Our Company is compliant to required laws, regulations and directives of The Republic of the Union of Myanmar.


We confirm that the Company/Organisation is not in the blacklist of World Bank, ADB, other funding agencies, or The Republic of the Union of Myanmar.


Logo of the company/organization

Brand guideline of the logo of the company/organization


Intellectual Property and Data Confidentiality

As a member of BCGE, the data (or) documents (or) projects work with the association will be the intellectual property of both of organisations. Both organisations will enter the NDA (non-disclosure agreement) for the required processes.

Membership Validation

The validation of the membership commences by the confirmation from BCGE after the payment and documentation checklist.
I hereby confirm that all the information filled above are correct.
